Saturday 27 February 2010

Early Spring Blog- new arrivals

Hello, its now the end of February and I write this new Blog with our new addition to the family sleeping in his bouncy chair and his brother having his afternoon nap! The website is now "live" as you will have noticed we still have some finishing of to do and more pictures to add, so keep watching.
Since having Ted during the odd quiet moments (and during middle of the night feeds) my thoughts have turned to up coming weddings and classes, firstly my very good florist friend Dawn is getting married in May so I am looking forward to assisting her with her flowers and seeing what our combined skills and styles will produce, (we have just purchased 10 large goldfish bowls - will we use them?)Lee is relishing in the challenge of making a 'cheese' cake for the reception, in June Lee's brother and his girlfriend get married at Greystoke Castle so I look forward to planning their flowers and in July Alex and Jeff get married with a reception in the garden at Laurel House (we're hoping for good weather)and I hopefully have another local wedding booked (reception at a beautiful old farmhouse) in August, also we have Teds Christening to plan so that gives me a good excuse to try some new ideas for flowers! Look out for reports and photos on these weddings!
In April I am holding a course with Shap CDC called 'Flowers for Exhibitors' for those of you who are interested in flower arranging for competitions (such as local Shows) for more details email or phone me or contact Janet at Shap CDC.

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